Areas of expertise

Alec’s three areas of expertise are:


Alec helps companies identify how to maximize the ROI of investing in people: target financial investments to mutually benefit the organization and its talent, the most valuable asset that walks out the door every night and needs to be maximally engaged while on the job.


Alec’s diagnostics and solutions enable companies to overcome silo behavior, craft cross-functional solutions that align decision rights with the operating model, increase the speed of quality decision making, improve the allocation of people and financial resources, increase team and business unit effectiveness, and improve strategy execution.


Alec’s solutions optimize work and company performance through organization design and organizational capability analytics that simultaneously address challenges with individual performance, team performance, business unit performance, and end-to-end enterprise performance.

Latest insights

Read Alec’s latest insights

Decentralizing Your Operating and Talent Models the Right Way

Organizations, People, Systems|

This article was first originally published in Sloan Management Review in October 2020.

As companies recognize that the timeline for moving past the impact of COVID-19 may lengthen into 2021 and maybe even beyond, key structures and processes within global organizations are coming under great strain.

Before the pandemic, centralized experts within organizations could easily travel across the globe to where they were needed. Global talent development and culture strategies relied on sending experts between home country and international assignments, and on developing local talent that was subsequently deployed in other regions in order to develop a true global mindset.

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